Monday, November 17, 2008

Updates updates!!

Hey people!

Sorry, I've been busy with work and haven't been checking and updating regularly. Didn't even take photos for the past couple of months =(

To clarify a couple of questions I've been getting....

He's still on braces, left about 2 more payments to go. I guess he may hit the 2-year milestone. He's extracted 2 lower teeth a few months ago and is now waiting for the gaps to close up. Dr Boey says the gaps are closing up very nicely. If his bite/ alignment is not fixed after the gaps close, there's a chance he has to remove two upper teeth. *lol* we'll see!

As for me... well, I wore braces back in 1997 and my teeth has shifted a bit as I did not wear my retainers. I had plans to put on braces again.

I went for wisdom tooth removal on 16th Oct 2008 (4 impacted ones), and was very much looking forward to putting on my braces in Dec 2008. BUT.........

After some consideration, I probably have to give up having a neater set of teeth because of financial constraints and the bad economy currently. Putting on braces is a WANT, not a NEED for me. So I'll have to shelf it for now. I'll have to prioritise too. I want both braces and lasik, so maybe I'll go for lasik instead when I have spare cash coz it'll be more beneficial =)

I'll *try* to take photos and update soon! Actually the front view looks pretty much the same coz it's quite straight already, only the lower teeth are being re-aligned. I do notice his teeth are getting yellower though.

1 comment:

  1. hi there, may i ask how much was spent in all for yourself? and your SO too?
    anyway, how long did u have your braces on? very tempted by this damon braces thingy. contemplating between ceramics, damon or traditional, and furthermore, budget is also an issue. sighhh

    hope to hear from you soon!
