About this blog

Hello! You've probably chance upon this blog from forums or search engine.

Initially, this was a private blog to track my boyfriend's braces progress in a pictorial manner. I later made it public to share the photos with other potential braces-wearers. Hope it will be informative.

I'm in no way linked to the Orthodontist or the creator of Daemon braces system. I'm just a 3rd party who's impressed with the performance of the Daemon System.

My boyfriend has been terrified of the discomfort and pain of wearing braces since young and has put off wearing braces for more than 10 years. Imagine my surprise when he declared one day that he wants to wear braces on his own accord! His reasons are for a nicer smile (in our wedding photos). So gone were the days of his 'sorry for being ugly' apologies (by the way, I never once said he is 'ugly' so I didn't brainwash him to go for braces).

He wore braces at a rather late age compared to the average Singaporeans. He was almost 25 years old when he wore braces, and had them removed 2.5 years (+1 month) later.