Hey people.. whatssupp!!!
It's been way tooo long since I last blogged and I've even forgotten the password to this blog already (only managed to log in on my 3rd try) *smacks forehead*. A quick check on the blogstats shows that I've still been getting visitors every day. So thought I'll just log in to do a final update.
Hope this site has been an inspiration to all. If you are still deliberating whether to wear braces, I'll say - go for it! What are you waiting for? (the cows to come home?!)
Yes, braces don't come cheap but divide that amount out with the number of years you are going to benefit from it (health, looks, nice smile, confidence), it really doesn't cost much per day! Say, if you spend $10K on braces (ok, this is an exaggerated amt) and you get to enjoy having a nicer set of teeth than your pre-braces days (say, for 20 years - until your teeth start to fall off due to old age hahaha), then you are spending 10000/20 = $500/ year on braces, which is $1.37 a day. That's like the price of a canned drink or a MRT ride. It's even cheaper than a simple lunch outside at the hawker. So it really doesn't cost much a day. Furthermore, prices of braces will probably increase due to inflation and newer technologies etc. The longer you wait, the more expensive it is to get your teeth adjusted.
For M, the Damon System definitely made him look better and instilled more confidence when he smile. He has to start re-learning how to smile without covering his mouth as he's been doing that for over 10 years before putting on braces. ;) Better oral hygiene, more confident about his appearance. It definitely gave him much more than just a pretty smile and IMO, it's worth every penny!
Remember - it doesn't have to be Damon, it can be any type of braces that suits your budget. Just go get it done already!! But make sure you do your homework and select an orthodontist you are comfortable with.
Sooo, if you have started wearing braces (any type of braces), hope you can share your blog links/ progress pictures if you have them and are comfortable with showing to the world! Just post them in the comments section below. I'm curious to see and I'm sure there are also a few other curious visitors who would like to know too! =)